
Featured Partners

Back Office Legal partners with companies that are able to help our law firm clients meet their needs.
We are actively seeking partners.

Client Management Software

Credit Processor

Marketing Sites

Law Firm Coach

Financing Companies

Partner with Back Office Legal

The Back Office Legal leadership team reviews the business plans and goals of each potential partner. If we both agree that we can assist each other in meeting our objectives, we can partner together as a support system between ourselves and also for the benefit of our law firm clients.

Back Office Legal will offer and promote your solutions to our law firm clients if your offering will help us meet the needs of our client. This will give you a boost in your sales for a fraction of what you pay sales staff. Our goal is to help our clients meet their needs and to see our partners increase their revenue.

Our theory is simple. We help each other become better. This is old fashioned business in effect. If you’re interested in becoming a partner, please contact us. Our Executive Director will call you to discuss the possibility of partnering together.