Three Reasons Why Lawyers Suffer From Burnout & How to Fight It
Three Reasons Why Lawyers Suffer From Burnout & How to Fight It For most legal professionals, legal work is fulfilling. However, it can also be stressful, challenging, and at times exhausting, leaving many lawyers struggling mentally and physically as a result. In fact, according to a 2016 study by the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation and […]
Why Your Law Firm Needs a Business Coach
Why Your Law Firm Needs a Business Coach Lawyers hold many different roles. They work as counselors, trusted advisors, and legal professionals helping their clients fight for their rights. However, while providing clients with the legal services they deserve is integral to a law firm’s success, it is no longer enough if these firms want […]
Legal Back Office Outsourcing: What Does a Virtual Legal Clerk Do?
Legal Back Office Outsourcing: What Does a Virtual Legal Clerk Do? Most law firms today hire law clerks to perform many of the clerical and administrative duties in the firm. These clerks not only help with the mundane tasks in the law office, but they can also help with legal operations, ensure documents are sorted […]
Six Tips to Improve Your Law Firm’s Customer Service
Six Tips to Improve Your Law Firm’s Customer Service No matter what industry you are in, customer service is critical to your ultimate success, and law firms are no exception. Unfortunately, many law firms do not spend enough time improving their customer service and, as a result, suffer significantly, losing clients in the process. Fortunately, […]
Marketing Essentials for Lawyers
Marketing Essentials for Lawyers While word-of-mouth is still an essential part of law firms bringing in clients, today, even the most talented lawyers need help getting their names out to the public. That is why it is so important for lawyers and firms to have a solid marketing plan if they want to continue to […]
Paralegal vs. Legal Assistant: What’s the Difference?
Paralegal vs. Legal Assistant: What’s the Difference? While the terms paralegal and legal assistant are often used reciprocally, the two positions are quite different. Not only does each position have unique duties and responsibilities, but the requirements to become a paralegal or a legal assistant differ substantially. To better explain these two positions, in the […]
When Contractors Become Part of Your Law Firm’s Trusted Team
When Contractors Become Part of Your Law Firm’s Trusted Team Unfortunately, for many legal professionals, there are just not enough hours in the day to get everything done while still making sure that they are there to help their law firms grow and thrive. Thankfully, these firms do not have to accomplish these objectives alone. […]
10 Steps to Run Your Law Firm for Growth & Success
10 Steps to Run Your Law Firm for Growth & Success Growing your law firm while ensuring its continued success can be challenging. Thankfully, there are things you can do to help simplify this process and make sure that you set up a thriving practice. To help you get started on this journey, this article […]
Understanding the Top 5 Management Styles Used by Law Firms
Understanding the Top 5 Management Styles Used by Law Firms Law firms today have not only revolutionized how they provide legal services to their clients but how they manage their legal teams. Gone are the days of a “one size fits all” model when it comes to managing a firm. Instead, to succeed in this […]
Best Practices for Law Firm Trust Accounting
Best Practices for Law Firm Trust Accounting Although the concept of law firm trust accounting may seem relatively straightforward (keep money that is not yours in a different account), the actual practice of trust accounting may be more complicated. That is why to ensure that your firm completes this process correctly, the guide below will […]